How Technology Has Affected the Workplace
on 19 December 2016
It seems as though every year brings novel, ground-breaking technologies that can be implemented into the workplace. At the rate at which this occurs, it is at times difficult to keep up with all the changes. Here we take stock and appreciate the drastic changes that workplace technology has had on our office lives.
Streamline Communication
Gone are the days of using a landline to connect with a client or employee out of the office. Even the use of email is now outdated in a world where accurate, efficient communication is key. In today’s office life we heavily rely on online management systems to speak with those both in and outside of the workplace. Face-to-face communication offers a rich interpersonal experience, however, most of the messages that need to be conveyed are easily satisfied with a quick tapping of the keys and click of a button. Thanks to such technologies, communication has sped up immensely and allows offices to function at a vastly improved level.
Consolidated Storage
In-house systems are notoriously complex and idiosyncratic. But even when they’re not, a small or medium-sized business will rarely have anything close to the infrastructure and levels of security that Glasscubes’ cloud-based service can offer. Huge storage capacity and ongoing software updates ensure that even the most sensitive data is safe and properly managed to the highest professional standards.
Increased Collaboration
A growing trend is that of employing freelancers – this is the gig economy at work, allowing businesses much greater flexibility, the chance to scale up or down as and when necessary, and the opportunity to access an enormous, more cost-efficient talent pool. All made possible thanks to the online software solution that Glasscubes provides. It is calculated that by 2020, 50% of the workforce will consist of freelancers. The internet has enabled us to quickly and easily connect with those outside of the conventional workplace.
If you’d like to find out how Glassubes can help your business improve its communications, data storage and more, contact our Customer Service Centre today.