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Better email support

on 10 June 2012
Posted by Wayne Pope

We've made an update over the weekend to add better support for creating content via email within Workspaces. So what can you do?

  • Upload a file via email
  • Create Task via email
  • Share/Announce content with an attachment via emai

How to use it? You'll find the email address under each relevant section with the Workspace (Dashboard, Tasks, Documents) . Simplly email to the address with the content you want.

So for a document - just send the email with the attachment to the address shown under the 'Documents' area in the workspace. Any content in your email will be added as a comment to the document.

To create a Task - you can email the person you want to assign the task to (or yourself) and CC the email address shown under 'Tasks' - so as long as the person you sent the email to is in the Workspace, we'll create a task automatically in that Workspace.


We hope you find this useful - as always contact us if you have any questions or need help.




About this author: Wayne Pope

Technical Director at Glasscubes. With over 30 years experience in the online software industry, Wayne brings an in depth technical expertise in collaborative tools, technology, and best practices.